Case Studies & Client Reviews

Our Clients

Welcome to our clients page, where we showcase the success stories and impactful results we’ve achieved for our clients. At Class IV, LLC, we pride ourselves on our honesty, transparency, and partnership approach, which has consistently led to exceptional outcomes.

Our Clients

Ascent CFO Solutions
Grayson Mill Energy
Eclat Health Solutions
TAQ Energy

Awards & Recognitions

“I appreciated Class IV, LLC’s honesty and transparency with rates and their partnership approach.”

 – Executive, Crossfit HUSH

What Our Peers Say

Fractional CIO Contact - Mark Schreiber, Managing Director

I work with executives to develop and implement digital transformation initiatives. When I met Bryan in the winter of 2019, he had been recently hired by BKV’s CEO to develop and implement a digital transformation strategy that would move the organization beyond spreadsheet analytics to modern cloud analytics – data lake, data warehouse, AI & machine learning.

Not many organizations achieve what BKV has accomplished under Bryan’s leadership and what makes it most impressive to me is the quality of the team that Bryan has hired and the results that they have achieved. Under Bryan’s leadership, BKV has become a data-driven organization rising from a top 50 US natural gas company to a top 15 US natural energy company in the United States.

Along this journey I have also had the privilege of participating with Bryan on several AWS energy panels and we’ve done AWS digital transformation webinars together. Bryan is an incredible visionary who has the leadership skills to implement and lead digital transformation for any organization.

Mark Schreiber, Managing Director 

Recommended for Fractional CIO Services - Jim Turpin, CTO

I have had the pleasure of knowing Bryan for the last 10 years and worked with him for 3 of those years. I know Bryan as a valuable asset to any organization and a trusted colleague in our industry. In the three years that we worked together, Bryan consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills, a strategic approach to problem-solving, and a dedication to driving results.

One of the things that sets Bryan apart is his ability to approach even the most complex business challenges with a calm and methodical approach. He is able to break down problems into smaller, more manageable pieces, and work through them with determination and a clear focus on the ultimate goal. 

I highly recommend him for any leadership role, as his technical and management skills blend to make him a valued asset on any team.

Jim Turpin, CTO

Denver CIO recommendation from Eddie Mize, CISO

I’ve known Bryan and worked with him on multiple security assessments, consulting engagements, and overall have considered him a friend and colleague for many years. I’ve personally watched his professional growth blossoming from an individual contributor as a security engineering and consultant to an Information Security (CISO) leader to visionary IT leader scaling, supporting, and securing an IT department of a company with 100% growth over the past 3 years. 

He brings enormous value to the table as a strategic leader, culture champion, and has led his companies through his tenacity, professionalism, empathy, and team leadership. I am honored to be considered a friend and colleague and value our professional relationship!

Eddie Mize, CSO